
Posts Tagged ‘resolution’

As I start the New Year, I think of resolutions I’ve made and mostly broken.  Over the past few years, I’ve discovered a much more meaningful way to start my year that leads to great blessings.  This is by fasting.

Strange as it seems, by giving up something instead of trying to get something has made all the difference in my life and my family.  When I make a resolution,  it usually revolves around what “I’m” going to do:  lose weight, be kinder, earn more money, stop smoking, etc.  But the pleasure is in finding something to do where I’m not in control. 

When I fast, my primary goal is to know God my Father, Jesus my Savior, and Holy Spirit my Teacher better.  I may also be praying for loved ones who are sick or don’t have a relationship with Jesus or special needs.  But the pressure is off of me to make any changes happen.  These needs are given to Jesus; He is the one who intervenes in these situations and He is so much more able to touch people than I am.

Actually, I began fasting in January while attending Free Chapel in Gainesville, GA, where Pastor Jentezen Franklin has been holding church-wide January fasts for several years.  During January, the church goes on a 21-day Daniel Fast beginning

January 4 this year.  The story of the first 10-day Daniel Fast is found in  Daniel 1:1-15 .  Daniel again fasted for 21 days as described in Daniel 10:1-14 . Daniel, as well as others in the Bible including Jesus, fasted often.  

The 21-day Daniel Fast at Free Chapel consists of eating fruits, vegetables, nuts, beans, and some grains during the period, while staying away from all breads, sugar, and any meats.  The Daniel Fast blog has some great information about the spiritual and physical issues involving the fast.

This fast is an absolutely wonderful way to get closer to God, cleanse your body physically, spiritually, and emotionally, and lift up others in prayer to the God who can do the impossible.  May you be blessed during this time and may abundant blessings be with you and yours during the entire year.

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