
Archive for the ‘Prophecy’ Category

Upon leaving a Rosh HaShanah observance on Monday, I was given a book by Don Goldstein entitled “I have a Friend Who’s Jewish, Do You?”  This is a fascinating little book and can be obtained at http://www.prophecyrevealed.com/friendbook.htm.  I was especially amazed when I read the section about the natural disasters that occurred in the United States at the various times our country tried to force Israel to give up part of their land.

One particular occurrence involved Hurricane Katrina.  Under President George W. Bush, Jr., the United States became involved in a land for peace deal during the Israel-Palestinian conflict in 2001.  Between August 17-23, 2005, Israel conducted its disengagement evacuation and eviction of 9,000 Jews from the Gaza Strip, creating the largest eviction of Jews in Israel’s history. 

The same day this eviction ended, Tropical Depression 12 quickly turned into Hurricane Katrina, causing massive devastation to the Gulf Coast.  This resulted in America’s largest natural disaster and displacement of approximately one million Americans.  Coincidence?  I don’t think so!

As I watched the news concerning the massive immigration of Syrians into Europe, I thought about what I had read.  European governments and the United States were so eager to make an agreement with Iran, in part for economic reasons.  It is my understanding that some leaders have already visited Iran to discuss trade.

As these governments are looking for economic prosperity due to markets opening up for them in Iran, G-d has other plans.  Isn’t it ironic to see that very shortly after this Iranian agreement was approved, thousands upon thousands of immigrants are headed to Europe?  The monetary advantage these countries thought they would benefit from will be totally destroyed when they have to care for these people.  In addition, these countries’ cultures will be turned upside down as the immigrants bring in their distinct way of life and beliefs.

As much as man has tried, he cannot harm G-d’s people, Israel, and get away with it.  Neither can he make friends with Israel’s enemies and not suffer the consequences.

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You may be asking yourself what the comedy “Caddyshack” and the Great Tribulation period have in common.  I certainly understand that line of thinking, but give me a few moments and I’ll put it together for you.

My husband, Ernie, loves our yard.  He fertilizes it, pampers it, loves to gaze at the beautiful green blades of grass.  Unfortunately, the moles love our yard, too.  Therein lies the rub. Ernie has bought poison, traps, had me make a garlic spray (which actually works somewhat until it rains) and anything he can think of to get rid of these suckers!  Our friends, Holly and Bill, knowing Ernie’s obsession with these critters, laughingly suggested that we needed to watch “Caddyshack” to see how Bill Murray handled the gophers on the golf course.

Caddyshack was on last night, so here was our opportune time to pick up some helpful and crazy tips for handling these intruders.  The premise of the story is about a teen trying to get a golf club scholarship to college.  Bill Murray is assigned the task of getting rid of the gophers ruining the golf course.  Rodney Dangerfield is the crazy rich guy who challenges the president of the golf club to a high-stakes golf game at the end of the movie. 

While the golf game is being played, Bill Murray has molded plastic explosives into the shapes of squirrels and gophers and dropped them into the gopher holes.  Once all the explosives are in place, he detonates the bunch, destroying the golf course at the very end of the golf game.

Now, you may be thinking, what in the world does this have to do with the Great Tribulation spoken of in the Bible?  Thanks for hanging around for the answer.

The Bible states that as it was in the days of Noah (Luke 17:26-27) and the coming of the Son of Man (Matthew 24:37-39), people will be eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage and they knew nothing about what was going to happen.  We are living in a time that has been prophesized throughout the Bible: an increase in knowledge, war, turmoil everywhere, financial crises around the world, and now an immigration of millions from the Middle East into Europe.  All of these things occurring are bringing us closer to the Day of the Lord and G-d’s judgment on the world, and most people are just going along like nothing is really happening. 

The United States is all wrapped up in this crazy presidential election, thinking, “Well, if we could just get the right person in charge, all our problems will be over”.  Some candidates even boast that they will make America great again, without giving any credit or homage to the Almighty G-d.

Like it or not, G-d has already given us the “right” person for this time.  The United States needed to have Obama as President to get us into the position we are in right now.  We show little allegiance to Israel, promote self-indulgence and revel in breaking the laws of our nation and of G-d.  And for some reason, many Americans think this is ok.  So, we go along, waiting for the “right” President to fix everything not realizing that all that has happened is leading us down the path to destruction.

Just as the golf game was being played while the explosives were being positioned to destroy the whole golf course, we need to read our Bibles, pray to G-d for His mercy when He brings destruction upon our nation, and encourage our brothers and sisters in Christ, as well as unbelievers, so that we can be aware of what is happening around us and look to Him for our deliverance when this final time of tribulation comes upon the whole world. 

Yeshua, Jesus Christ, our Messiah is coming soon.  It is time to be alert.  Only seven people believed Noah when he said a flood was coming to destroy the earth. Please open your eyes to what is happening around us today so that you will not be caught unaware.

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This morning at 3:00 AM, I woke up and felt that the Lord wanted me to write.  This is the message I received.

“There is a time coming when a spirit of darkness will cover your land.  Many will be deceived and follow after false prophets leading them away from Me.  You know you are seeing this start now.  You can see it with your own eyes.  Homosexual priests and preachers, gay rights flaunted in My face and accepted by the church.  Many are more concerned about being in favor with man than with Me.  So I will turn them over to the darkness.  They kill My children by the multitudes for pleasure and convenience and think nothing of it.  But they will think about it when they are poor and destitute.”

“My man has come to bring punishment to America.  I put up kings and take them down (Daniel 2:21).  Obama is My man for this time.  Just as I punished Israel with invaders, America is being invaded from within by My destroyers.  She thought herself invulnerable.  That she could not be hurt.  But I have begun My plan.”

“Be faithful to Me.  Do not be resentful of the discipline.  It only teaches you to obey.  Your parents taught you to obey through discipline and so do I.  I made America strong.  She was My safe place for millions.  She was My missionary to millions.  She has become fat and lazy through her wealth and power.  Like an overindulged princess, she has played the prostitute with other lovers – pride, greed, corruption, murder, pleasure, saying, “I am my own god, who can stop me?”  I have become tired of her insolence, so the punishment begins.  My word says those who had little, even that was taken away and given to those who had much (Matthew 25:28-29).  So it will be.  I will take the knowledge of Me away from those who know little about Me and increase the knowledge of those who are searching for Me and My truth.”

“A shift is coming.  A greater chasm between those who really know Me and those who don’t.  A greater distance and point of view.  My word says when sin increases, My grace increases all the more (Romans 5:20).  My light shines brightest in the dark.  Those who know Me will shine like the stars in the darkness that is coming.  Men are fascinated by stars in the sky, but you only see the stars when it is night and there are no competing lights.  There are competing lights now.  Those who would take My glory and set up their teaching as the truth.  They detract from My truth.  But the time is coming, the blackness is coming, where their truth, their lights, will be overcome and My truth, My people who know Me and the truth will shine forth brilliantly as in the blackest sky.”

“Do not be afraid.  All this has been written about in My book.  And so it begins.  Get ready for the ride of your life.  I am with you on this one.”

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