
Posts Tagged ‘bankruptcy’

2020 – what a year this has already been and it isn’t half over! Some have said this will be a year of severe shaking. Others say 2020 represents perfect vision to see things clearly. All I know is that many of the things we in the United States have relied upon and even taken for granted have been stripped away in a sudden, and sometimes violent, way.

Freedom of movement, freedom of worship, good health and health care, peace and safety in our cities and towns, abundant food choices in the grocery stores, TOILET PAPER! These are all things we have counted on as we go about our daily lives. But this year, this year has stripped these all away.

The Corona virus comes in quietly at first, then suddenly mass hysteria as millions are expected to die. In an instant, we go from freedom of movement to lock-downs and don’t leave your house by threat of fine or arrest. And the toilet paper scarcity. What’s up with that? I can’t even get my head around how that was the first thing to disappear from the store shelves. Wear a mask, don’t wear a mask. Stay indoors, fresh air and sun are good for you. Confusion everywhere. Fear reigned supreme as we wondered if the next person we encountered when we ventured out could introduce us to our ultimate demise.

Hundreds of thousands have lost their jobs due to the quarantine . Businesses either have or will go bankrupt. Perfectly good food and livestock are being destroyed because restaurants are closed and there are no customers to prepare food for.

What became of the Church? Have we realized that by closing the churches for fear of this virus, we now understand that (1) we do need community and interaction with other believers and (2) the “Church” is the people, not the buildings. We forge ahead, mask and hand sanitizer equipped, going to the store, but are afraid to go to church where some people are the cleanest they’ve been all week.

So as the virus issue begins to settle down, we have the death of George Floyd and the resulting riots. Mr. Floyd’s death was horrible, and as a mother, I can only imagine what goes through the minds of Black women as they think of their own families and the issues they have encountered. Now our cities are burning. Not so much for Mr. Floyd, but as an excuse to cause destruction and evil. Places where you thought you were safe from this mayhem are no longer the haven you imagined. We pray for justice to be done, an awakening of human decency and value.

I’ve been a follower of Jesus for many years. I’ve read the Bible and know how it ends. It’s not going to be pretty prior to Jesus’ return. As a matter of fact, it’s going to get much worse. Forget about skipping out of all the bad stuff before the Rapture. God doesn’t necessarily remove His people from difficult situations. Both the good and the evil suffer when He judges a nation. I believe we are being shaken free of all the things we have relied upon except God himself. Now is a time of testing our faith. Am I relying on my checking account, my job, my “safe” community, my health, the abundance our country provides, or am I first of all relying on my God to be with me no matter what happens in my life. May God give you peace and wisdom as we go through this shaking together.

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